McMurdo 406Mhz EPIRB Emergency Beacons

Nothing has contributed more to safety at sea than the the EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon). Whether cruising close to shore or on an offshore passage an EPIRB should be considered a vital part of your vessels safety inventory. McMurdo Smartfind EPIRBs operate on the 406Mhz global satellite rescue system ensuring that your emergency signal can be sent from anywhere in the world. The Smartfind Plus EPIRBs benefits from a dedicated built in GPS sending a highly accurate location position typically +/- 50metres within a few minutes of switching the unit on enabling rescue authorities to greatly reduce their search time. Available in a manual deployment version and an automatic SOLAS version including a float Free Housing.

Prices include programming and units are available for shipping within approximately 3 days.

420.66 ex. VAT   509.00
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306.57 ex. VAT   370.95
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271.86 ex. VAT   328.95
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30.00 ex. VAT   36.30
Registration details change/update for McMurdo PLBs.
10 days